Monday, November 11, 2013


Happy Monday, everyone!

Yep...Monday.  Here's how mine started:

Pre-8 AM...Faith says she has a tummy ache and isn't feeling well.  She's home for the day.  Dropped Parker off at school.  Came home to discover that one four-legged one had puked in the living room.  Soon discovered that another four-legged one (most likely the same one that visited the living room) pooped upstairs.


Got one snuggled in for the day.  Cleaned up the "presents" in the living room and upstairs.  Sorted dirty clothes and started a load of laundry.  Emptied the dishwasher.  Put breakfast dishes in the dish washer.  Called my mom and dad to let them know they would not be seeing me at the Veteran's Day program at the high school.

All by just shortly after 8 AM.

And to think I wonder some days what my purpose is.

Silly me.

But then I sat down to ready my daily devotional.  Here's what it said:

I honor my commitment to sacred service.

Jesus brought a message of supreme importance to the world.  He taught about the power of love and about God as our indwelling, loving father.  Even though delivering that message cost him hi s life, Jesus stood by his convictions.  His message still lives today in our hearts and minds.

In following the example of our Master Teacher, I desire to live a life of great purpose.  I commit to living a God-centered life, and I honor that commitment through sacred service.  I serve in joy, sharing my unique gifts and talents in ways that honor God, my family, and all people.  I am honored by loving God and blessed by keeping my sacred commitments.

Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also.  Whoever serves me, the Father will honor.  ~ John 12:26

Well...there you go.

Serve in joy...share my gifts and talents in ways that honor God, my family and all people.  I am honored by loving God...blessed by keeping my sacred commitments.


My purpose.  I like it.

It's not grand.

It's not fancy.

But I like it.

It brings me joy.

Not joy in the fact that my daughter isn't feeling is obviously one of the dogs...but joy in the fact that God has blessed me with each one of them and that it's my privilege to serve them.  That my talents and gifts...and my love...can be used in ways that honor them, the rest of my family, my friends, strangers and God.

Now...if you'll excuse me...I need to swap out laundry and make sure my sweet girl gets some extra-special lovin'.

Wishing you a peaceFULLYsimple...and purpose-filled day.


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