Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Acts 4:29 New International Version (NIV)

Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.

This was the scripture focus of our pastor's message this past Sunday.

At then end of the service we were all given wrist bands that read:

Be Bold - Acts 4:29

See...here's mine

So what does it mean to be "bold"?  I couldn't help but think of the lady that cut Parker's hair the other day.  She was bold.  Even though Parker was her customer, she proceeded to tell me that my hair needed some serious treatment to brighten up the white and that Faith could use the same treatment since her hair was looking "straw-like."  Of course she would be "more than happy" to provide these services to us and what a wonderful way to spend some quality mother/daughter time.  Faith looked at me and whispered, "Mommy...does my hair look like straw?"  I whispered back, "No, sweetie...it does not!"

Pretty BOLD, huh?

However, that's not the kind of BOLD that Acts 4:29 refers to.  Acts 4:29 refers to being BOLD in Jesus name.  Unceasing boldness in the name of Jesus Christ.  But how?

* invite someone to church
* pray with someone, especially someone who might be unsure of doing it alone
* share your faith story with someone
* stand up in the face of adversity and do it in Jesus' name

I had to laugh as every time Pastor Steve gave an example of being "BOLD" he would snap the wristband on his wrist and say in his big voice, "BE BOLD!"

I think sometimes we need that slap on the wrist...not because we did something wrong...but because we need to remind ourselves to do something more.  A reminder to, "BE BOLD!"

Just imagine what could come out of being "Bold for Jesus".

Wishing you a peaceFULLYsimple day.

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