Thursday, February 28, 2013


Last night was our weekly family night at church.  When the adults were done with our study time together, it was time for prayer requests.  I shared a request from within our family that right now is manageable but over time could quickly get out of hand.  It was a valid prayer request and was met with nothing but encouragement and support from those in attendance.

And then others shared prayer requests...

...for seriously ill children that are one way or another a part of their lives.


I know what it's like to have a seriously ill child.  I know what it's like to fear that child will die.  I know what it's like to fear for their future.

Suddenly, my prayer request didn't seem as significant.

If faced with the choice of having to choose my current prayer request or the prayer request we were faced with nine years ago, I would choose today's situation...hands down.

When children are seriously ill, brings the rest of life into perspective.

At least it does for me.

"Gracious God, I pray for all the sick and ailing of this world...especially the children...who don't understand what's going on.  Let them all feel your healing hand upon them.  Let them feel your warmth surrounding them.  Let them know that you are as near as their breath.  Surround them with your love and peace.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen."

Wishing you a peaceFULLYsimple day.


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